And anyone with a lawn knows these grubs can devastate lawns and gardens. It should look like a grid pattern when finished. Quick Navigation Are you having problems with Japanese beetles eating your plants These adults burrow into the ground in the fall to lay eggs which eventually turn into grubs. As you can tell, I’m not a big fan of using milky spore disease powder: it’s too expensive for the minimal control it achieves. Apply one teaspoon of Milky Spore powder to turf every 4 feet in rows 4 feet apart. Remember too that Japanese beetles in your landscape may be flying in from your neighbors’ untreated lawn or pasture. (It will look like a grid pattern when you’re finished. Even if you apply the disease spores properly in mid- to late summer, it takes a couple of years to become effective. Apply one teaspoon of milky spore powder to your turf or garden every four feet in rows four feet apart. At this time of year, grubs are digging deeper into the soil preparing to go dormant for winter. They feed aggressively to store energy for the dormant winter months. You must also have an active population of Japanese beetles in the first few inches of your soil. The months of September and October are the best time to apply milky spore. Technical Docs Reviews Combine Milky Spore With Beneficial Nematodes To Maximize Japanese Beetle Grub Control Milky Spore contains spores of the bacteria Paenibacillus popilliae (formerly Bacillus popillae ), which work specifically against the grub stage of the Japanese beetle ( Popilia japonica ). The soil temperature map for Georgia, shows that soil in your area is rapidly cooling. Milky spore disease works best when soil temperatures are above 65 degrees. Even if you do have Japanese beetles, it’s getting really late to apply it. Milky spore disease does not control chafer beetle grubs. The number of beetles will drop dramatically the next season. Applied using a drop spreader for eas complete coverage of your yard. Japanese beetles are not typically attracted to lights but chafer beetles are. Apply this powder to your lawn where white grubs (beetle larvae) feed on grass roots. Milky Spore is an organic, long lasting control for the Japanese Beetle grubs. Q: Is it to late to apply milky spore this fall? I had lots of beetles flying around my outdoor lights in summer.Ī: Your first step is to identify the beetles you saw around the lights.