advanced tech, even more so than space marines have access to.) Capable of producing and maintaining their own warships formed into explorator fleets looking for new tech. Military arm Adeptus Sororitas.Īdeptus Astartes (Self sufficiant super soldier warrior monks, possessing the best wargear and ships, specialized for planetary assault and special ops-1000 groups of 1000 marines total estimated) Strong ties to every branch of the imperial military, may requisition any resources required, Authority to enact exterminatus on any world.Īdeptus Mechanicus (The technocracy allied with the imperial theocracy, responsibly for ALL technology of the imperium, supplies nearly the entire Imperial military with wargear. Ordo Hereticus Branch of the inquisiton concerned with rooting out heresy within and without of the imperium.

Military arm Deathwatch a group of space marines brought together from all chapters in the imperium for temporary tours of duty, access to specialized equipment for killing xenos. Ordo Xenos Branch og the inquisiton concerned with combating alien threats. Military Arm Grey knights, an all psyker space marine chapter possesing the best wargear and ships the imperium can muster, equiped with specialized anti deamonic equipment. Ordo Malleus - Branch of the inquisition concerned with combating deamonic threats. Authority to requisition any and all imperial resources, liscenced to subject worlds to exterminatus, may declare any imperial servant or group excommunicate traitoris and call for their extermination. Inquisiton Supreme secret police of the imperium, only 2 kinds of people are exempt from their scrutiny the empror himself, and his elite body guard, the adeptus custodes.