You can find numerous hotels in Kolkata under different categories and Hotel Crestwood is one the best hotel under its category. Also 83% guest said that Television was working in their rooms. 61% guest said Wi-Fi of Hotel Crestwood was good. Hotel Crestwood Amenities are liked by the 70% of guest. 95% guests like the Reception Area of the Hotel Crestwood. 66% guests like the Room Service quality. Hotel Crestwood provides a top class Service Quality as 76% guest liked it. Safety And Hygiene is the top priority for the Hotel Crestwood with score 64%. and 71% said that property is Easily Accessible. Out of which 74% guest said property is Easy to Locate. With ultra modern design, luxurious amenities and penthouse suites, Aura is the ultimate destination for adult couples. In terms of Location 89% people like the location of Hotel Crestwood. Premium rooms and suites that will blow your mind and make you want to come back for more. There you can find the answers of the questions asked by some of our users about this property. For more detailed information about this hotel, you can check the Questions & Answers section as well on Goibibo. Also, we recommend that guests must go through traveller reviews and ratings posted by fellow travellers on the Goibibo platform to ensure that Hotel Crestwood is best suited for them. With an overall rating of 3.7 out of 5 (684 Ratings), the property is rated very good by 79% of the guests, 71% have rated it good, 41% have rated it average. Good service quality, nice location, good stay experience and good food are some highly appreciated and talked about aspects of the Hotel Crestwood. What our guests think 79% of the guests have recommended Hotel Crestwood on our platform.
#Aura hotel crestwood tv#
Being a Gostay property, it ensures free wifi, AC, TV and good hygiene. The Hotel is also certified as a Gostay hotel which comes with a money-back guarantee. It is a couple-friendly property, hence it is absolutely safe for unmarried couples to stay here. The Hotel has standard Check-In time as 12:00 PM and Check-Out time as 11:00 AM.

A smooth check-in/check-out process, flexible policies and friendly management garner great customer satisfaction for this property. From all the 3 Star hotels in Kolkata, Hotel Crestwood is very much popular among the tourists. Hotel is rated 3.7 out of 5, which is considered as good. Overview Hotel Crestwood is a good choice for travellers looking for a 3 star hotel in Kolkata.